
Enjoy These FREE Gifts Top Self-Help Experts Have Generously Made Available To You Only Until
Wednesday January 29th 2025 10:00:00 AM EST

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carolyn hansen
Carolyn Hansen
Geoff Wilkins
Geoff Wilkins

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Chakra Training Manual

A Guide to Chakras is a full training course on chakra energy, alignment and health. It includes details of alternative and extended chakra systems. The training course comes with full Master Resell Rights
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Chakras: Understanding the Energy Centers Within
Chapter 2: The Root Chakra: Cultivating Stability and Grounding
Chapter 3: The Sacral Chakra: Unleashing Creativity and Embracing Emotional Wellness
Chapter 4: The Solar Plexus Chakra: Cultivating Personal Power and Self-Confidence
Chapter 5: The Heart Chakra:
Chapter 6: The Throat Chakra:
Chapter 7: The Third Eye Chakra:
Chapter 8: The Crown Chakra:
Chapter 9: Alternative Chakra Systems - Tibetan, Chinese, Egyptian, Andean, African, Extended

Restore 20/20 Vision With These Sniper's-Sight Secrets

Sharp shooters and snipers would never allow their
eyes to grow weak and their eyesight to become blurry.

And you shouldn't either!

By utilizing insights into the science of an eye
reshaping exercise you too can restore your
vision to its former 20/20 status.

If your eyes have grown increasingly NEAR-SIGHTED
or FAR-SIGHTED as a result of being repeatedly
prescribed ever-stronger corrective lenses now you
can reverse the blur naturally.

This is how you get to throw away your glasses...

And no sharp shooter license is required to get started!

Grab my FREE guide and discover:

* An eye exercise to RESTORE 20/20 VISION (no blur!)

* A visual test to TRACK your vision improvement...

* Vision SECRETS that allow me to read the finest print!

Abundance Affirmations

Contributed By: Rufers 

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Repeating abundance and prosperity affirmations is a very effective way of filling our minds with abundance thoughts.

Poverty thinking begets poverty.

Abundance thinking begets abundance.

This will develop your abundance consciousness and increase your magnetism to infinite health, love, wealth, abundance, prosperity, and money.

Codex of Destiny Power

Contributed By: Rufers 

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Feel stuck in your life?

Nothing going right?

Ever wished if you could have the power to live your dreams?

Destiny awaits your immediate action now!

“Some Things are not a Matter of Chance. They are a Matter of Choice. They are not to be Waited For, they are to be Achieved.”

Grab Your Gift Now.

Exceed Yourself to Create Your Exceeding Self to Live Your Dreams!

Astral Tranquility

Contributed By: Rufers 

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Do you always feel tired, restless, and lack of motivation in your life?

This Meditation MP3 will rejuvenate your mind.

It will help you feel calm, relax and stimulate your motivation like never before.

The Solfeggio Frequency Handbook + Access to 3 Solfeggio Frequency Videos

Contributed By: LLH Media

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Introduction to Solfeggio Frequencies, The History and Origins of Solfeggio, Understanding Sound Healing and Vibrational Medicine Exploring the Science Behind Solfeggio Frequencies, The Power of Sacred Sound in Ancient Cultures, Solfeggio Frequencies and the Chakra System Using Solfeggio Frequencies for Physical Healing, Solfeggio Frequencies for Emotional Balance and Mental Well-being, Awakening Spirituality with Solfeggio Frequencies, The Role of Intuition and Inner Guidance in Solfeggio Healing, + Much More + Access to 417Hz, 528Hz and 963Hz Videos

A Training Course in Hypnosis & Hypnotic Techniques

Contributed By: LLH Media

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Part I: Introduction to Hypnosis Chapter 1: The History of Hypnosis Chapter 2: Defining Hypnosis: Myths and Realities Chapter 3: The Science of Hypnosis Part II: Fundamental Concepts Chapter 4: Altered States of Consciousness Chapter 5: Trance and Suggestibility Chapter 6: The Role of the Hypnotist Part III: Hypnotic Induction Techniques Chapter 7: Progressive Relaxation Chapter 8: Rapid Inductions Chapter 9: Eye Fixation and Visual Techniques Chapter 10: Ericksonian and Conversational Hypnosis Part IV: Hypnotic Phenomena and Suggestions Chapter 11: Hypnotic Amnesia and Anesthesia Chapter 12: Hypnotic Regression and Age Progression Chapter 13: Post-Hypnotic Suggestions Chapter 14: Hypnotic Pain Management and much more

Better Relationships - Free Affirmations Audio

Contributed By: LLH Media

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Helps you improve and build better relationships

Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce a deep and consistent trance or hypnotic state. The vocal guidance will help to create the exact conditioning necessary to accept the affirmations without question. Download it FREE today!

Unlock Your Wealth Code: 10-Min Audio Reprogramming Your Mind for Money

Contributed By: Jonathan Soh

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Alright, lean in and listen up. I've got this game-changing freebie, the "10 Minute Subliminal Audio That Activates Your Abundance Magnetism." It ain't your regular audio file - this one's an upgrade to your mind's software, specifically fine-tuning your thoughts towards the big bucks. It's like having a backstage pass to the world of wealth.

It slides these clever messages into your subconscious, kickstarting your dormant 'Abundance Magnet.' Just like that, your brain's singing a whole new tune about money and success. It's like an invisible butler, making sure you're not missing those dollar-dripping opportunities anymore.

It's your golden ticket to the rollercoaster ride of financial abundance.

Love What You See? Then Enter Your Name and Best Email Below For Our Newsletters and To Be Notified When New Gifts Are Added:

Minimalist Fitness

Do less get more with exercises to 4x your workout efficiency giving 2x results in HALF the time

Reduce Disease Risk 80 Percent

Slash your disease risk by a whopping 80 percent with just 4 easy steps to get 20 more good years

Switch Off The Aging Process

Easy ways to add 20 good years to your life
